Art Firms 

Art Capital Group focuses on four core services: providing working capital, acquisition capital, and expansion capital for galleries, as well as financing options for gallery clients and collectors. In each category, a diligent underwriting allows for more flexible terms than traditional lenders.  With expertise and experience in both art and finance, ACG can structure deals that are simultaneously more creative with less risk.  ACG is the only boutique lender with such a specific and exclusive focus on galleries and collectors. The firm adds value within the interface of a gallery/collector relationship, facilitating more efficient transactions.

ACG structures financial solutions globally, having created products for clients in Asia Pacific, Europe, the US and Latin America. Our relationships with galleries, banks and appraisers around the world ensure that art business clients receive the best terms and most innovative products available.

Recognizing that collectors today demand a range of services from galleries, dealers, auction houses and storage facilities, ACG allows art firms to offer their clients a menu of financing options – either by working with us as a private label or through referral. This expanded partnership with ACG allows art businesses to enhance and expand their own product platform while simultaneously solving their own business needs. With a refined underwriting process and loan servicing mechanisms, ACG can assist art businesses in helping their clients execute complex transactions, build their collections, seek favorable tax treatment and generally maximize the value and enjoyment of their collections.

By empowering art businesses to best utilize their own assets or by simply complementing their already established skill sets and product offerings, ACG is unparalleled in our ability to satisfy the nuances and needs of the art marketplace. Be it in Hong Kong or Frankfurt, London or Los Angeles, New York or Singapore, ACG creates financial products that are bespoke, elegant and sound